Web 漏洞检查 — Wapiti
04 Jul 2016
Reading time ~4 minutes
Wapiti 是一套 OpenSource 的 Web 应用程序漏洞检测工具,比较特殊的是,它并不依赖特征数据库,也因此扫描的速度相当快,而探测的则是一些共通性问题,或是作者所宣称的未知漏洞。Wapiti 其实是一只 Python Script,可在多数平台运行,在网页开发过程中,用这套工具反复进行测试,以便初步修饰一些问题,算是相当快速而方便。它具有”暗箱操作”扫描,即它不关心Web应用程序的源代码,但它会扫描网页的部署,寻找使其能够注入数据的脚本和格式。它用于检测网页,看脚本是否脆弱等。
- 文件处理错误(本地和远程打开文件,readfile … )
- 数据库注入(PHP/JSP/ASP,SQL和XPath注入)
- XSS(跨站点脚本)注入
- LDAP注入 命令执行检测(eval(), system(), passtru()…)
- CRLF注射入(HTTP响应,session固定… )
- 统计漏洞数量
- 成功袭击的细节
- 漏洞详细信息
- 提供解决漏洞的方法
- HTML报告格式
- XML报告格式
关于下载及安装请参考官方文档,地址: http://wapiti.sourceforge.net/
Usage: python wapiti.py http://server.com/base/url/ [options]
Supported options are:
-s <url>
--start <url>
To specify an url to start with. This option can be called several times.
Wapiti will browse these links to find more URLs even if the specified link is not in the scope.
-x <url>
--exclude <url>
To exclude an URL from the scan (eg: logout URLs). This option can be called several times to specify several URLs.
Wildcards (*) can be used in URLs for basic regex.
Example : -x http://server/base/?page=*&module=test
or -x http://server/base/admin/* to exclude a directory.
-p <url_proxy>
--proxy <url_proxy>
To specify a proxy. Currently supported proxies are HTTP and HTTPS.
This option can be called twice to specify the HTTP and the HTTPS proxy.
Example: -p http://proxy:port/
-c <cookie_file>
--cookie <cookie_file>
To import cookies to use for the scan. The cookie file must be in JSON format.
Cookies can be grabbed using the cookie.py and getcookie.py utilities (net directory).
-t <timeout>
--timeout <timeout>
To set the timeout (maximum time in seconds to wait for the server to send a response).
-a <login%password>
--auth <login%password>
Set credentials for HTTP authentication.
--auth-method <method>
If the server requires an authentication, set the authentication method to use.
Currently supported methods are (some requires additional modules to install):
+ basic
+ digest
+ kerberos
+ ntlm
-r <parameter_name>
--remove <parameter_name>
Remove a parameter (name and value) from URLs.
-n <limit>
--nice <limit>
Define a limit of URLs to browse with the same pattern (ie, the maximum number of unique values for the same parameter).
Use this option to prevent endless loops during scan. Limit must be greater than 0.
-m <module_options>
--module <module_options>
Set the modules (and HTTP methods for each module) to use for attacks.
Prefix a module name with a dash to deactivate the related module.
To only browse the target (without sending any payloads), deactivate every module with -m "-all".
If you don’t specify the HTTP methods, GET and POST will be used.
Example: -m "-all,xss:get,exec:post"
Use colors to highlight vulnerabilities and anomalies in output.
-v <level>
--verbose <level>
Set the verbosity level.
0: quiet (default), 1: print each URL, 2: print every attack.
-b <scope>
--scope <scope>
Set the scope of the scan:
+ page: to analyse only the page given as the root URL.
+ folder: to analyse all the URLs under the root URL passed to Wapiti (default).
+ domain: to analyse all the links to the pages which are in the same domain as the URL passed to Wapiti.
-f <type_file>
--format <type_file>
Set the format type for the report.
json: Report in JSON format
html: Report in HTML format (default)
openvas: Report in OpenVAS XML format
txt: Report in plain text (UTF-8)
vulneranet: Report in VulneraNET (XML based) format
xml: Report in XML format
-o <output>
--output <output_file>
Set the name of the report file.
If the selected report format is 'html', this parameter will be used as a directory name.
-i <file>
--continue <file>
This parameter indicates to Wapiti to resume the previous scan saved in the
specified XML status file.
The file name is optional, if not specified, Wapiti takes the default file from the "scans" folder.
-k <file>
--attack <file>
This parameter indicates to Wapiti to resume the attacks without scanning the website again, loading the scan status from the specified file.
The file name is optional, if it is not specified, Wapiti takes the default file from the "scans" folder.
--verify-ssl <0|1>
This parameter indicates whether Wapiti must check SSL certificates.
Default is to verify certificates
To print this usage message
python wapiti http://mysite.com -n 10 -b folder -u -v 1 -f html -o /tmp/scan_report
Attack modules used by WAPITI:
- backup: This module search backup of scripts on the server.
- blindsql: Time-based blind sql scanner.
- crlf: Search for CR/LF injection in HTTP headers.
- exec: Module used to detect command execution vulnerabilities.
- file: Search for include()/fread() and other file handling vulns.
- htaccess: Try to bypass weak htaccess configurations.
- nikto: Use a Nikto database to search for potentially dangerous files.
- permanentxss: Look for permanent XSS.
- sql: Standard error-based SQL injection scanner.
- xss: Module for XSS detection.
- buster: Module for a file and directory buster attack - checking for “bad” files.
- shellshock: Module for Shellshock bug detection.

Dreamer, Practitioner, Incomplete Front-ender